There were two brothers, who determined early in life, that they were going to seek for treasure, in order to provide income for their living, and security for their old age.

One was trained in the ways of the Archeologist, who pursued patiently and diligently, hints and clues, concerning treasure, buried in years past; And upon locating the appropriate site, searched diligently, with great care, and attention to detail, dusting even with a tooth brush, each pebble, taken from it's nitch provided through the centuries, by Nature; hoping that some pebble, or stone, might prove to be precious, unique, or priceless.

The other brother cast his lot among pirates, who, when they heard gossip, or rumor, atacked and destroyed city, hamlet, or village, looting and making spoil of all that was of value, of that which lay about easy at hand, for later perusal and evaluation as to lasting quality.

The pirate brother was provided with plenty to eat, and clothes to wear, by income from his carreer of crime. When he was old, he was cast out by his criminal band, only to be imprisoned for life, by Magistrates and barristers; thereby providing security for his old age.

The Archeologist brother found great value in the treasure which he unearthed from time to time; their value being enhanced, in some part, by the careful handling, and the meticulous skill, developed over the years, as he laboriously attempted to restore their original lustre, and glory. His old age was spent among treasures and trinkets, precious and dear to his heart, as the fruits of honest labor; polished by the sweat of arduous toil, and buffed by the caress of his trained and skilled hand.

"Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like unto

treasure hid in a field, the which, when a

man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof

goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth

that field." (Mat 13:44)

The story serves to illustrate two very different approaches to Bible study. Some will look only upon the surface, grabbing and teaching the first thing they lay hand to, as doctrine. While the more earnest will search the scripture deeply, and with humility, willing to let God's Scripture guide them.

"These were more noble than those of Thessalonica

in that they received the word with all readiness

of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether

these things were so." (Acts 17:11)


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